
Twogere is a direct Communication Portal built from the ground up with security, anonymity and privacy as major concerns. We therefore use 2-factor/step authentication for every service a user needs to access.
This helps prevent against cyber threats such as session hijacking and Man-in-the-Middle Attacks since it requires users to verify their identity using better alternatives than simply using a password to access our services.

Users can remain anonymous to eachother however Twogere requires that you to authenticate to the platform before entering meeting rooms in order to minimize abuse of service and eliminate impersonation attacks.
Since this platform is built on trust, we need to verify your identity in order to convey trust to the people you interact with, without them necessarily knowing who you are.

Twogere provides a bridge to link clients directly to service providers without disclosing either party’s personal or contact information as they interact in meeting rooms.

More Information on Two Factor Authentication

Two Factor authentication has been around for some time now, it is a practical way to add further security to the user authentication sequence

There are currently three main ways a user can be authenticated:

1. Something the user knows (PIN, Password, Secret)

2. Something the user owns (Mobile Phone, Device)

3. Something the user is (Biometric, retina, fingerprint)

Two Factor authentication can be a combination of any two of the above three ways. Twogere currently applies technologies made from points 1 and 2.

The verification sequence requires a unique auto-generated password and a passcode sent by us via Mobile to be entered by the user. Providing separate factors of user authentication results in real-time protection to our clients.

Leveraging something the user already has, allows a seamless and cost effective solution for Two Factor authentication to be implemented.


Book Appointments with Experts, Sellers or Job Providers in case you find them unavailable or offline.
As Soon as the provider gets online, you will be notified by email, telegram, SMS among othe rcommunication medias. Your meeting requests will be given priority according to the booking schedule and attended to first by the Consultant/seller before he/she attends to other clients. Learn more about bookings from FAQS/Bookings


Twogere-PAY enables seamless [anonymous] payment transfers between service providers and their clients. If an item has Twogere-PAY enabled, you can purchase it by selecting it & jumping into a Meeting Room to discuss with the Seller.
After the item has been delivered, confirm to us you are satisfied & we will handle the rest for you

If you are a Seller, simply enable Twogere-PAY when uploading items, focus on speedy delivery & exceeding clients’ expectations.
We ensure clients who order your items are credit worthy & also secure your payments pending buyer’s confirmation of successful delivery. Learn more about Twogere Pay from FAQS/Twogere-Pay

Who are Your Real Clients?

Most often than not your REAL Clients aren’t in your phone book. They’re not on your whatsapp network or your friends on Facebook. They are strangers from a far away land.

You have a product or service, or an idea, or are an expert in some rare field. But in addition you might also have a large network of followers on your social network of friends and family. Yet you’ll be surprised that when you finally finish working on that project and that product is finally out, only a handful of those in your circle will actually have need for what you’re delivering.

Even with these large numbers of contacts in our phone books, or email addresses, let’s face it squarely; Many times the people who we spend time the bulk of our working hours to impress, our clients, customers and consumers of our products aren’t the people who swamp our address books.


They are the unknowns, who live in far-away-land 🙂

Which is why this platform is here to help connect you to people outside your phone contacts, email and other social networks you are part of, who quite frankly, are really the ones increasing your turnover.

So take advantage of the live marketing opportunities available to you through virtual rooms and really take your business to the next level.

All the Best!

Live Marketing through Video

Have you ever been at the supermarket and someone in a company’s branded clothing approaches you and asks you if you like to sample their product? That face-to-face interaction between the customer and the brand is what defines live marketing.

Brands use live marketing for brand awareness. They want customers to see what their brand has to offer, essentially planting the idea of their brand in customer’s minds for present or future investment. At the same time, live marketing will generate leads for your company and build your CRM.


Live marketing is outside traditional marketing. Before, you would see a billboard ad or see a printed ad in the newspaper. Live marketing strays away from those traditional marketing tactics and gears towards having customers interact with their brand. This creates more of a memorable experience for the customers because they were able to interact with your brand and ask questions about your brand.

Marketers love using live marketing experiences to test their products. Marketers get to see first hand how people interact and react to their product. Depending on the outcome, the information gained from live marketing experiences is crucial for marketers. The information gained from these live marketing experiences can be:

  • Brand recognition
  • Brand awareness
  • Customer engagement
  • Lead data collection
  • Product testing, what worked and what didn’t work
  • Get instant customer feedback
  • Increased sales

The beauty of this is customers can engage in live marketing experiences anywhere! We are using Video Technology here to help leverage this experience for you. Create your strategy and use this platform to create incredible live marketing experiences for your business.

As a Marketer, you will find this platform the the most easy to use, cost friendly and interactive to truly optimize your live marketing experience!

More Confidence to Better Sales

Becoming an excellent salesman is one of the tenets of being a successful business owner. Mastering the art of quickly turning a potential customer into a life-time client.

And it all begins through interaction.

Believe yourself, Colorful words on blackboard.

As you directly interact with your potential clients, the better they get to know and trust you, and the more comfortable they feel about you the more likely they are to trust what products and/or services you’re offering.

Video is a great way of jumping over that line, getting to know your clients personally and let them know and interact with you. The more you discuss, engage, brainstorm, deliberate over ideas, answer questions and provide solutions to their queries in face-to-face engagements, the better for everybody.


The more you practice this, the more confidence you’ll acquire and the better and easier pushing through sales becomes, making it more guaranteed to get your products, and services out to the world.
Take advantage of the opportunities availed through video marketing on this platform and take your business ideas to the next level!

Best of luck 🙂

Addressing Privacy

One of the main reasons a lot of folks use brokers even when they don’t want to, is the issue is having their private information thrown out into the wild all in the name of making one small sale. If you have ONE house and just need a life long tenant, you may not want all your personal email, whatsapp, phone numbers etc. going out.

Having to get rid of that information from public after the transaction is over can be difficult if not near-impossible, which is why people often resort to using middlemen.


Now I’m not against brokers, but sometimes I’d rather have the clients discuss with me directly than have to deal with all the commissions and time wastage involved with including third parties, especially if we’re dealing with low margin items or i’m working on a tight budget, and I’m simply looking to directly interact with my potential customers.

Here is one of the ways we can clearly help. By offering secure video room links, you no longer have to worry about your private information leaking into the wrong hands. You also eliminate the need to go through multiple brokers/middlemen to get to your sale done.

Simply describe the product or service you’re offering on the portal by going to [this link] and then your potential clients will be able to interact with you directly through video on our portal. You now only need to get into a virtual room, evaluate who the potential client is, discuss directly and when you both come to an agreement, then you are at leisure to exchange any more information to complete the transaction.

That’s all there is to it. Eliminate the need for unnecessary middlemen, don’t give out your personal information until you feel you have found your client.

Best of Luck!

Have a One-on-One with an Expert

If you’re feeling under the weather and need to see a doctor, often times you’ll have to hop into your car and drive to line up and queue at a physical office.

However, now our online platform of experts is offering a way for people to speak with professionals 24/7 using video technology for as little as 3000/=.
The whole process is relatively easy to follow.

  1. Browse through our catalog of currently available experts and pick a preferred specialist.
  2. Choose how long you wish to consult, depending on the time you select the corresponding consultation fee will be shown to you. Separately, using mobile money pay the consultation fee to the displayed Business Phone Number.
  3. Once your payment is complete, proceed to the checkout page, you will be asked to input the Mobile Money Number you used in the step above to make the payment.
    On confirmation a Room URL will be displayed which will take you directly into a Virtual Meeting Room where you will see and can begin consulting.

Insurance Cover

For clients of our partner Insurance Providers, insurance maybe used to cover the specialist consultation fee. In this scenario, in lieu of using your Mobile Money Phone Number, you will be asked to input your Insurance Number during the verification process to complete the transaction.

Earn as a Consultant

Give a little of your time every day to mentor, coach, teach, educate, guide, encourage, enlighten, engage, spark a flame, in young thirsty minds.


We want you to make money helping others understand what you know best. If you are good at something, make time, place yourself available to teach others, have others learn directly from you by sharing what you know.