Lack of access to an attorney is not the only access to justice issue facing low-income individuals and families, it can also be difficult to find information on simple procedural issues, like when and where to file a lawsuit and what rights you have in court.
Without equal access to the justice system, many low-income citizens struggle with legal problems that negatively affect their livelihood, health, housing, marital status, their children and families.
Our justice system is only as strong as the weakest person it protects. Ensuring that low-income people have equal access to the legal system is important not only for protecting their quality of life; it’s also essential for maintaining the quality of justice available to everyone in our society.
At Twogere, we are driving innovations that will widen and deepen access to justice for citizens of all backgrounds, incomes, and special needs.
Twogere is an easy and convenient platform where anyone can interact face-to-face with legal experts, providers and professionals working remotely, in live virtual meeting rooms
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